Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design with Natural Daylight, New York

Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design with Natural Daylight, New York - welcome to the blog Minimalist Home Design, on this occasion we will discuss the information titled Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design with Natural Daylight, New York as you are looking for, we have collect a lot of data to make this article so that you are satisfied with the information we convey, well please continue reading:

This is about : Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design with Natural Daylight, New York
And this article : Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design with Natural Daylight, New York
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Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design with Natural Daylight, New York /2010/05/seyfarth-shaw-llp-modern-office.html" target="_blank">Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - Front Desk, New York
A modern office interior design, these beautiful office is the office of  Seyfarth Shaw LLP, designed by Gensler, a law firm's office with 100,000 square feet on three floors of The New York Times Building. Gensler’s design accentuates transparency, capitalizing on the building’s glass curtain wall to maximize natural daylight and frame skyline views. Perimeter private offices feature clear glass fronts, and all workspaces have visual access to windows. Public areas feature a rich, warm palette of brown, white and deep red, with walnut, anigre and zebrawood. A great room on each practice floor provides a welcoming space for informal conversation or quiet reflection. /2010/05/seyfarth-shaw-llp-modern-office.html" target="_blank">Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - hallway, New York /2010/05/seyfarth-shaw-llp-modern-office.html" target="_blank">Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - hallway 2 /2010/05/seyfarth-shaw-llp-modern-office.html" target="_blank">Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - front desk to meeting room /2010/05/seyfarth-shaw-llp-modern-office.html" target="_blank">Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - guest waiting room /2010/05/seyfarth-shaw-llp-modern-office.html" target="_blank">Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - meeting room /2010/05/seyfarth-shaw-llp-modern-office.html" target="_blank">Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - meeting room door /2010/05/seyfarth-shaw-llp-modern-office.html" target="_blank">Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - kitchen

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