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Wall Covering Ideas with Vetrina Glass Mosaic Tiles by Mosaico+
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Wall Covering Ideas with Vetrina Glass Mosaic Tiles by Mosaico+
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Wall Covering Ideas with Vetrina Glass Mosaic Tiles by Mosaico+
Looking for attractive wall covering ideas with colorful design inspiration to light up your home interior design to be the most beautiful and perfect room you ever have..? This glass mosaic tiles might be your one of many choice to have. This Vetrina glass mosaic tiles from Italian company Mosaico+ has deliver a great satisfaction by using this wall decorative element to their modern home interior. This wall covering ideas comes in very small size of the tiles that you could use to create a great composition by pieces with different hues.
This new range Vetrina glass mosaic tiles has a large selection of colors so you could mix and match it with your taste and style, there are: 72 chromatic hues in a glossy finish and 32 opaque matt ones. The size of the one glass tile is 10×10 mm and before to become a wall decoration these tiles are mounted on berglass sheet of 327 x 327 mm.
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Wall Covering Ideas with Vetrina Glass Mosaic Tiles by Mosaico+ and many articles about Minimalist Home Design in our blog this, please read it. and url link of this article is
https://aboutthemaximalists.blogspot.com/2010/12/wall-covering-ideas-with-vetrina-glass.html Hopefully discussion articles on
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