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And this article : Integrated kitchen and living room
Integrated kitchen and living room
One of the latest trends ininterior design is based on eliminating, the delimitation of boundaries betweenkitchen and dining room to create a single space in which both stays areintegrated in harmony.
However, one must know how to doit for a great idea as it does not end by the emergence of a serious mistake indecorating our home.
To achieve the first thing youmust realize is that there will be two rooms to join decorative andfunctionally different in only one, so you need to merge the two concepts intoone.
It is important to choose asingle decorative style for both decoration and also do not miss some of thebasic guidelines that we tell you below:
- In the kitchen you can not nothingin sight, so it should always be clean, tidy and be as decorative as the veryroom. Choose furniture without handles, concealed any part of householdappliances and look for more to go unnoticed (the hood should be discreet andquiet).
- Separate spaces because theyare in the same room, does not mean that you should not make a visualseparation between them. You can get through the different colors or coatingsfor walls, for example. Remember that the kitchen walls need a stain-proofmaterial.
- Find a good connecting elementbetween the two spaces: The case of the dinner table chooses a nice design andsophisticated style of both rooms, but really more like that should continueinto the dining room.
An island between the kitchen andthe lounge is also a good choice to join the two spaces into one.
- Forget the traditional cuisines,because in this case has become a central element of your home interior.Looking for modern furniture, with quality materials and designs as elaborateas any room.
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