Living Room Curtain Design Ideas

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Living Room Curtain Design Ideas

Have you ever decide the curtains of your living room before attaching the furniture? Usually it is a risk to decide the curtain then followed by the furniture, because basically choosing furniture is the hardest part in designing a living room besides choosing the colour for the walling. In choosing a curtain for your living room, you might better choose something that almost similar with the colour of your furniture; so it won’t clash each other.
Living Room Curtain Design Ideas
You don’t really have to buy something that really similar to furniture to be applied as a curtain but you can manage them by applying natural colour especially white. A plain one will be much preferable, because some of the furniture might have pattern on it. Adding a curtain with a pattern might be too much since it might not work with the pattern of your furniture especially for the sofa.
Living Room Curtain Design
Thing that you need to consider in choosing a curtain for your living room is the materials of the curtains.  You might think that material won’t be effect the sense of your house, but it actually creates a different atmospheres when you applying different fabric.  A soft and thin one might create your room a little bit fresh because they can absorb the refulgence easily. While a heavy fabric may create a glamorous look for your house especially for the golden beige curtain.
Living Room Curtain Design

Living Room Curtain Design

Living Room Curtain Design
The thing that you need to consider next is the type of curtain that you want to apply, is it a two side curtains, one site curtain, or a lift up curtains. Each of them might create a different sense for your house. A two site curtains are basically common, so maybe you need to consider having a lift up curtains; beside it is less spacious than the two side or one site curtains.

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