Modern Aesthetic Home Design Ideas

Modern Aesthetic Home Design Ideas - welcome to the blog Minimalist Home Design, on this occasion we will discuss the information titled Modern Aesthetic Home Design Ideas as you are looking for, we have collect a lot of data to make this article so that you are satisfied with the information we convey, well please continue reading:

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Modern Aesthetic Home Design Ideas

This Modern Aesthetic Home actually was located in small residential in Mexico with 15 houses, every single unit from this Modern Aesthetic Home was design with total size floor plan about 355 square meter with three different floor plan solution and five facade choices for each one of them.
Modern Home Design
Modern Home Design
The design this Modern Aesthetic Home was done by Gilberto L Rodrigues Architects whose team project member is Thomas Guerena, Felipe Dorado, Oscar O’ Farrill, Joaquin jenis, Enrique Salas, and Felipe Gonzales.
Modern Home Design
Modern Home Design
Here we present one of 15 houses  from this Modern Aesthetic Home design with exterior and interior pictures where the pictures was taken by a photographer Jorge Taboada. Take a look on house pictures bellow! Large garage with 3 car capacity directly facing the road make easy access to parking your car, main porch entrance was design protrude into the house with single access to the inside this Modern Aesthetic Home.
Modern Home Design
Modern Home Design

Modern Home Design
Modern Home Design
Walking through the main porch entrance you will found an exclusive interior design where minimalist interior design was applied to every part room in this Modern Aesthetic Home and to make strong minimalist interior impression simple furniture was selected to decor this Modern Aesthetic Home. Finally we hope this Modern Aesthetic Home design will inspiring you to build your own home.

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