Small Living Room Ideas

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Small Living Room Ideas

Small living room ideas can be nice decorating style that you can use to adorn the house. Living room is considered as the heart core in the house since it is the space where you will entertain the guests. Don’t make yourself end up in an embarrassing situation when there are some visitors come to your house. You can make the room nice and interesting even though the living room is in the limited area. Impress the visitors with perfect decor and minimalist look if you do not want to have cramped and tight living room.
Small Living Room Ideas
Small Living Room Ideas

Think about the furniture placement. Pick the sleek and small furniture to use in the living room. You need to replace all of the pieces made in bulky and elaborate pattern. You can set a long sofa against the wall. The loveseats can bring fun feeling in the living room. Choose the sofa and chairs made in solid color like tan, white, and beige. A coffee table can be made in square shape. Pick the one with some storage area that you can use to save the magazine or even newspaper. The small living room ideas allow you to decorate the area with artistic pieces. But ensure that they are not in overdone effect.
Small Living Room Ideas
Small Living Room Ideas

Small Living Room Ideas
Small Living Room Ideas

Small Living Room Ideas
Small Living Room Ideas

Small Living Room Ideas
Small Living Room Ideas

Small Living Room Ideas
Small Living Room Ideas

You can choose the one in simple pattern. For example, you can hang the metal art on the wall. You can set a sleek mirror in silver hue to bring an illusion. If you want more seating area with storage space, you can set an upholstered ottoman. The wall color should be determined. You can express natural palette like tan, beige, white and brown to make the space more open. If you want to add textures, you can choose the vertical striped wall paint. The horizontal stripes also work better as small living room ideas.

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