How to Make a Fringed Christmas Tree Centerpiece 2012 Ideas from HGTV

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    How to Make a Fringed Christmas Tree Centerpiece 2012 Ideas from HGTV

    Create a snow-covered Christmas tree centerpiece using white burlap or a loose-weave linen. Decorate the tree with accents to match your holiday color palette.

    Winter White Meets Festive Color

    We cut white burlap (you could use linen or another loose-weave fabric) into long strips then glued them around a cone-shaped form to make these textured mantel decorations or centerpieces. Use any color fabric to match your decor and dress it up with your favorite color palette.

    Cut the Burlap Into Strips

    Cut strips of fabric about 2 inches wide. Pull out the threads lengthwise to fringe one side of the strips.

    Attach Fabric to the Cone

    Add double-stick tape around the entire bottom of the cone, about a 1/2 inch up from the edge. Add a strip of fringed burlap (fringe-side on the bottom) and press into the tape. Trim off the excess where the two edges meet and overlap. 

    Fluff the Fringe

    Continue to wrap layers of fabric around the cone until you get to the top. Using your fingers, fluff the burlap fringe so it curves up slightly. 

    Finish and Add to Tabletop or Mantel

    Place the trees on medium-sized mercury-glass jars as the stumps. Add mason jars filled halfway with faux snow and sprinkle extra snow around the tabletop or mantel. Add a few pinecones or ornaments.

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