Inexpensive lamp makeover

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Inexpensive lamp makeover

This lamp is usually next to my's my magazine reading lamp! When I went to take pictures of it, my daughter was stretched out on the couch watching TV and I thought it would be easier to move the lamp rather than ask her to move! I bought it at a flea market for $5 about 10 years ago. It was shiny faux brass~very ugly! I remember my mom giving me a weird look when I bought it because it was scratched and a little dented around the base. I told her I was going to paint it white but I think she thought I was crazy. I spray panted it white and planned on getting a new lampshade for it but to cover it up until then I just tied this lace valance I already had on with ribbon and it's been there ever since. It's great I can just take off the lace and wash it when it gets too dusty.

I just used a regular can of spray paint. Today if I were to do this I would use a spray primer first and then spray paint. I only have a couple spots where the paint has chipped off which isn't a big deal if you like the shabby chic look.

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