Make a Citrus Table Runner Spring 2015 Ideas

Make a Citrus Table Runner Spring 2015 Ideas - welcome to the blog Minimalist Home Design, on this occasion we will discuss the information titled Make a Citrus Table Runner Spring 2015 Ideas as you are looking for, we have collect a lot of data to make this article so that you are satisfied with the information we convey, well please continue reading:

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Make a Citrus Table Runner Spring 2015 Ideas

Make a Citrus Table Runner Spring 2015 Ideas. Layer Ultrasuede circles and triangles to make an invigorating table runner. Utilizing two shades each of yellow and green softened cowhide, cut circles, triangles, and leaves.

Now, will you Make a Citrus Table Runner Spring 2015 Ideas, Follow this step :


  • 1/8 yard Ultrasuede Fresh Lime #4575 for eight 8-inch lime circles and 4 leaves (2 substantial and 2 little) 
  • 1/8 yard Ultrasuede Green Apple #4512 for 48 lime portions and 6 leaves (3 substantial and 3 little) 
  • 1/2 yard Ultrasuede Tulip #5227 for ten 7 1/4-inch lemon circles 
  • 1/2 yard Ultrasuede Tulip #5228 for 60 lemon segments


  1. Cut Ultrasuede circles and fragment pieces in two shades of yellow and two shades of green after the example. Cut two sizes of leaves from the two shades of green Ultrasuede taking after the example.
  2. Paste fragments to circles and collect as indicated in photograph (or arbitrarily) and paste the pieces where they cover.
  3. At the point when dry, flip over and paste unsecured areas.

I hope you like this Runner ............. enjoy it .

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