Key Interiors by Shinay Blog Introduction/Buffalo NY

Key Interiors by Shinay Blog Introduction/Buffalo NY - welcome to the blog Minimalist Home Design, on this occasion we will discuss the information titled Key Interiors by Shinay Blog Introduction/Buffalo NY as you are looking for, we have collect a lot of data to make this article so that you are satisfied with the information we convey, well please continue reading:

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Article Blog Introduction, Article Buffalo NY Interior Decorator, Article Buffalo NY Interior Designer, Article interior design, Article Style,

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Key Interiors by Shinay Blog Introduction/Buffalo NY


Welcome to my blog, Wow I finally pushed the publish button!!! The following is my reasons as to what this blog is all about. First my name is Shinay Key and I am an Interior designer. I have my very own design business called!! You guessed it (Key Interiors by Shinay) I’ve been a designer for over 10 years I attended Villa Maria college in Buffalo, NY where I studied the introduction to interior design and later went on to finish above average in all my classes and now here I am making my introduction to my blog and couldn’t be happier.  

Now to talk about what this blog will communicate to my readers and hopefully soon to be members. 

Just think for a minute!! Wouldn’t it be wonderful simply to close ones eyes make a wish and unlock the door to a charming home that reflects taste, interest and lifestyle? I always admired people who have style but I absolutely adore people who share their sense of style with others. That’s what I’ll be doing! Sharing!! Sharing my sense of style with you and hopefully truly inspire you along the way.

Please know that this blog is meant to be a source of encouragement to cheer you on to your own design discoveries. Today, the materials and equipment that goes into making and maintaining a comfortable and attractive home are within everyone’s reach. But of course there is more to decorating than mere products!!  But how do you choose the right colors, patterns and finishes for the effects you want to create?

In other words, while good materials are a big part of the story, bright ideas and basic skills are no less important. And that is what this Blog is all about. In plain words and clear illustrations Key Interiors by Shinay Blog explains the principals of interior decorating and home repairs, giving guidance on design and resources, techniques and tricks of the trade. With this being said I hope the upcoming posts gets you excited. 

Certainly a home that brings joy is the ultimate motivation for interior design! My hope is that the diary of my experience may bring clearness to your pathways toward defining home. Now
Here is what you have to look forward to.
Friday's Runway Decorate week1  

The Real Estate Snitch

Idea Share- If you have a design question for Key Interiors by Shinay, send us pictures or questions about your design challenge!  Be sure to send it to us along with your name and email address as well as a   photograph of your problem room (if available). After e-mail is received a designer will contact you the next business day.
If you would like to share a picture of a design you've done yourself please upload and we will share it with everyone on our blog- All we will need is Name and e-mail and an upload of your photograph. Please also include a description of the picture the way you would like it described.  Just follow the instruction below and your picture should be on the blog within the week.

My DIY ProjectsThis is where you can find project I’ve done myself and other DIY I deemed valuable around the web also you can find DIY ideas for yourself.

What's Your Design Style? Check out what your style is by simply putting in your e-mail address. 
Portfolio Check out my designs
Color Crush - What does it mean to have a color crush?
Well at the present moment you are having a temporary infatuation usually extravagant passion or love or admiration with a particular color which means at any given time you can have another crush on any other color.  Well if you are crushing on any color at the current moment please share with us under idea shear and we will surely share with our bloggers!

Upcoming Design ProjectsThis is design project that will be done by me that will be coming soon - I will have before and after if after is available if not you will see whats coming.

What do you think about these upcoming series? I would love to hear your feedback before I write these articles so I can understand better your needs and wants! Let me know! I am very open and would appreciate, any and all feedback!

Favorite quote:
 In my world, I love beauty, Beautiful interiors, beautiful architectures and beautiful gardens.
 People often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder,' and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves.
- Salma Hayek

P.S. I hope you all like my introduction to my blog, I hope you will come back and see all the inspiration I promise to bring and please feel free to comment on what you like and the post you dislike because that's what makes it fun and real so leave me a comment and become a member of Key Interiors by Shinay 
Thanks until next time.

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A few of our information about the Key Interiors by Shinay Blog Introduction/Buffalo NY, I hope that we submit article easy to understand

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