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Something New On The Patio & A Patio Tip
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Something New On The Patio & A Patio Tip
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Something New On The Patio & A Patio Tip
There is something new on the patio today, courtesy of Wayfair. Thanks, Wayfair!
See what it is?
A solar bird bath for the patio birds. The last bird bath I had, a squirrel tipped the top over and broke it. This top screws in to the base, and therefore won't be easy to tip over. Plus it's quite heavy.
See the cute little turtles on each side. They came separately with a spike that goes in the two holes where they're situated.
My objective is to a have a natural wildlife habitat in the city on an apartment patio. And it can be done.
I've also got a tip for you if you have cement gaps in your patio flooring. Whenever I'm watering I'm always hitting that and dirt comes up and makes a mess.
Here is my answer...
The flat marbles I've collected over the years and brought from Texas are a temporary fix now, as they aren't yet glued down. I'll get to that later. But this will keep weeds from growing up through this long gap.
Notice how I arranged the marbles so it looks like they're spilling out of the driftwood?
To get a better idea of how big this patio is, and some of you have asked me about this, see how much concrete patio there is before you even get to the gazebo by the back patio doors.
See the edge of the gazebo? So there's at least ten feet back once you see that. The gazebo is 10 feet by 10 feet. Not sure if that is from pole to pole or not.
While I was digging around for my box of marbles, I came across this little glass jar of beads. I brought them out here because the colorful beads are pretty when the sun hits them.
Well, hope you have nice weather and can enjoy some gardening this weekend!
Also I wanted you to know that Primitive Star Quilt Shop is having a giveaway for Mother's Day, so you should go over there and enter here.
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apartment patios,
container gardening,
garden tips,
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